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Guinness World Record Holder - Largest Origami Lesson
「同心,同步,同樂日」19 April 2019
香港賽馬會聯同國際著名摺紙藝術家陳柏熹,與超過1,000名本港中小學生成功打破健力士世界紀錄「最大規模摺紙課」。學生需要在課堂上,在Kade Chan帶領之下摺出由花,花莖及花盤組成的盤栽摺紙,成功者為1,073名,遠超舊紀錄573名!
Hong Kong Jockey Club together with world famous origami artist Mr. Chan Pak Hei (Kade Chan), successfully break the Guinness World Records - Largest Origami Lesson. Over a thousand students from local schools participated to fold a plant under the lead of Mr. Kade Chan, the plant consist of three parts, flower, stem and vase. 1,073 of the participants successfully completed the folding, far beyond the old record, which is 573.

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